We count on materials
Utopic garments are made from fabrics with reduced environmental impact.
Utopic recycled

Why 100% recycled?

Choosing recycled materials is essential to reducing our impact on the environment and is one of the most effective solutions to address the growing amount of waste globally.

Utopic recycled garments are GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified.

By blending recycled cotton with recycled polyester, we wanted to create a fabric that absorbed the best performance properties of both fibers: cotton, in fact, is a highly breathable material, while polyester is a durable and strong fiber1. In this way we were able to ensure, through the use of recycled materials, the reduction of our environmental impact2 and, through the blend of fibers, durable and high-quality materials.

For the production of each of our Utopic items, 64% of CO2 emissions were saved3
The reduction in environmental impact is not only reflected in global warming: the amount of energy, water, pesticides and chemicals used for a recycled material is less than that required to create a fabric from scratch.
Recycled cotton
Recycled cotton can be defined as the conversion of cotton fabric into fibers that can be reused in new textile products. 
Most of the recycled cotton is recovered through mechanical recycling: fabrics and materials are sorted and graded; after sorting, the fabrics go through a machine that tears the fabric into threads and then turns them into raw fiber4.
In 2021, the market share of recycled cotton accounted for only 1 percent of total cotton production5; by choosing to use it we want to promote its expansion in the market.

Reduction in the potential impact index of recycled cotton compared with its virgin counterpart6
Water scarcity
Resource depletion - fossil fuels
Recycled polyester
Polyester (PET) is the most widely used fiber in the apparel industry, accounting for about 52 percent of the total volume of fibers produced globally. Currently, only 14 percent of these come from recycled inputs. Recycled polyester has such a lower carbon footprint than conventional polyester that, in order to stay within the +1.5° limit required by the Paris Agreement, Textile Exchange has launched the "2025 Recycled Polyester Challenge" to increase the share of mechanically recycled polyester fiber from the current 14% to 90% by 20307.
Reduction in the potential impact index of recycled polyester compared with its virgin counterpart6
Water scarcity
Resource depletion - fossil fuels
Utopic organic

Why organic cotton?

Organic cotton is obtained from a type of cultivation that does not involve the use of artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Organic farming is based on methods that seek to promote biodiversity, preserve soil fertility and improve ecosystem health. The fabric therefore has the same quality as conventional cotton but the impact on the environment is much lower

The fabric thus has the same quality as conventional cotton but the impact on the environment is much lower.

Reduction in the potential impact index of organic cotton compared with its virgin counterpart6
Global warming
Water scarcity
Resource depletion - fossil fuels

Show Notes

2 In production and compared to a product made from virgin materials, based on our carbon footprint
3 At the production stage, compared with a product made from virgin materials, based on our carbon footprint
6 Scores of potential impact on global warming, eutrophication, water scarcity, resource depletion, and chemistry based on Higg MSI 3.3 data found on Higg.org. These are general and average data, which have no direct link to the production process of Utopic articles.