We count on U!
Experience with us innovative choices that can build a more sustainable future.
Utopic is a new brand in the Sipec family that targets B2B customers through the sale of t-shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts made from recycled cotton and polyester, and t-shirts made from organic cotton.
For more than 40 years we have been working in the promotional sector, a market that-by its very nature-has a major impact on the environment and its resources because it produces and transports billions of items around the world each year.
Aware of this issue, over the years we have sought material innovations to begin to offer our customers alternative solutions to conventional ones. Thus, from a collaboration with one of our trusted suppliers, in 2017 the innovative recycled cotton shopping bag was born, kicking off our "Sustainable Living" collection.

In 2022 we launched the Utopic brand to add another piece to our research journey, and today we offer you the opportunity to experience with us a choice that can help reduce our ecological footprint and that of your customers.

For a better future we need utopia. To continue to think and act as in the past is to plunge our world into a deep environmental, economic, and social crisis. Commitment is required from each and every one of us, and the spread of more responsible purchasing behavior can help make a difference. 

Our collection is a concrete translation of the convinced desire to invest in less impactful fabrics than those traditionally used.
In fact, it is estimated that raw material production accounts for as much as 38 percent of total emissions in the fashion value chain. For this reason, material selection is of paramount importance to us.
The fabrics of T-shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts in the "Utopic recycled" line are composed of 60 percent recycled cotton and 40 percent recycled polyester, an almost unprecedented composition for the professional and promotional market that saves up to 64 percent ofCO2 equivalent during production1.
In contrast, the t-shirt fabrics in the "Utopic organic" line are made from organic cotton, a raw material obtained from a type of cultivation that does not involve the use of artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides.
Learn more about our materials

The willingness to invest in materials with reduced environmental impact carries with it the responsibility of a commitment that we want to measure and improve year by year. This helps us, on the one hand, to set new sustainability goals and, on the other, to show the true extent of less impactful purchasing choices.

Therefore, our first act in bringing the Utopic brand to life was to request an analysis of the Product Carbon Footprint related to the garments in the "Utopic recycled" line. 

Studies conducted have identified the environmental impacts in terms of emissions for t-shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts made from 100% regenerated fabric, certifying the equivalentCO2 savings compared to alternatives made from virgin fabric. 

Discover our collection

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